Hello I get the code for connection with mini900 toyobd but does not accept the codesn; 05D7FF3326-511961-3332564DPIN 29674BUT IT IS NOT
回复(4) 2016-12-31 18:33 来自版块 - 升级与配置
darek/>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<///////////////////////////////????????...(2017-01-06 22:29)
darekplis pin(2017-01-05 15:27)
mini900 OK, i will send you the right code..(2017-01-02 10:38)
darekHello I get the code for connection with mini900 toyobd but does not accept the code sn; 05D7FF3326-511961-3332564D PIN 29674 BUT IT IS NOT(2016-12-31 18:34)
